I am offering 4 individual days in the Lake District each £35 running from approximately 10.30 to 16:00. Depending on where people are travelling from I will modify the sessions to ensure that we have maximum time on the ground.
Hodge Close Quarry is an abandoned quarry with a host of interesting compositions ranging from a partially flooded quarry, old buildings and abandoned equipment, plus beautiful silver birch trees. There is a parking area at the top of the quarry - free. We will probably spend part of the day at the top of the quarry focusing on the trees and exposed quarry sides where a telephoto lens would be useful. Then down in the quarry where there are two magnificent arches that make for interesting subject matter. Please note that there is a steep walk down to and out of the quarry.
Walking boots and decent outdoor gear are essential because it can rain. Please bring a packed lunch.